
Self-Care Tips
Self-care is very important as often being uncomfortable within yourself can lead to negatively impacting your relationships with other people. For example, you might get into more arguments and fall out with people you don't mean to, or you might stay friends with people who are causing your life harm. Remember that, to an extent, this is your life and you should make yourself the priority.
Getting the appropriate amount of sleep per night and achieving this constantly will give an improvement not only immediately by your mood for the next day but also overall for your life as getting at least 8-12 hours of sleep per night can improve your length of life. If you attempt to gain a regular sleep routine of going to bed at the same time and waking up at the same time, it gives your body and mind time to rest, recover and prepare for the next day.
Making sure you stay productive and in touch with your work can help with self-care. This is because if you stay away from work completely, you will become too used to life without work and it will make the transition back into working harder. Try and designate some time, even only for half an hour or so, to do some work at home will help your mind stay in the mindset of being productive while resting.
Ideally, at least three meals a day is healthy. Eating breakfast, lunch and dinner with small snacks in-between is an obtainable goal for people to aim and work to. Furthermore, having a balanced diet with foods from each food group helps with having healthy eating habits. An example of this are carbohydrates such as bread or pasta or rice. Another example is protein mostly gained through meat however if you are vegan/vegetarian some vegetables have high protein too though you should research them.
Socialising with other people is essential for good mental health. This is because as humans we are interactive beings and need stimulation from your envrionment and input from people you care about to feel better. Try and set time to meet up with some friends or have a gathering with family every so often. However, be careful not to over do it and keep some time to be by yourself as well.
Another way to practice some self care is to ensure that you drink throughout the day so you won't become dehydrated. Furthermore, try balance the type of drinks you consume, so if you drink fizzy drinks try and have a glass of water or some organic fruit juice too. The ideal amount of water intake is 6-8 glasses per day and try to drink less sugary, fizzy or alcoholic drinks and you may see improvement on your physical health too.
Keeping your body moving is important not only for your physical health but also your mental health. Ensuring your body is physically fit can help with quality of life and life longevity. Doing some form of exercise on a weekly basis will help your body and mind, no matter if its a ten minute walk around your area, stretching in your living room or having a work out at your local gym.
Here are some websites for more information on these areas from experts: